September bis Dezember

I´m sorry, there will be not many news next time, because I do a retraining.

So I will have not much time.


I wish all of you a merry christmas and a good slip into the new year!

Linos and his girlfriend wish all of you merry christmas.



Haron has fun in the snow


We were at the double CaCib Karlsruhe, my love Luana de La Montez won both day´s CaCib and best of breed.

Papirunner´s Va Va Voom aka Genie got CaCib and both days V1 and CAC. Jazz won both days CaCib and best oposite,

and finised his german Champion.


May till August

Myron at his first holliday


Also Jero aka Rocco was at holliday

Lazaro aka Gismo is on camping holiday


Malfoy and Myron are now 6 month now. So I decided that Myron will stay.

So Myron is looking for a new home.

A lovely day at Nidda and two day´s at Club Show Neustadt an der Aisch, here the results.

At Nidda, Luana and Jazz won their class and Jazz is now Club Champion.

Neustadt an der Aisch, was also successful.

At day 1 Luana won best of breed and Jazz best oposite, Genie won her class.

Next day Jazz got BOB and Genie best oposite, Luana won her class.

We protect now our Kennel name FCI and had to change it a little bit.

We are now the Kennel "Lo La Montez"

Our little Madison aka Mäxi is at his first holiday with his family. Thank you so much for the pics.

Two pics who show the typical Papillon, who always stay close and is always ready for an adventure. Our Linos isn´t a exception.

Manni is sending us greetings from his favorite place, the ocean.


small photoshooting with our Luana. The pics you can see at her page.

Our M´s are 12 weeks now and our Madison is still looking for his forever home.

January till April

Ilana is looking for spring, soon it is here.


Hellau from Frankfurt say´s Josie and Contessa!!



Papirunner´s Va Va Voom aka Genie give birth to 3 strong boy´s on 17.02.

More informations you will get at our Puppy site.
